Device IO and i2cdetect implementation

Today, we gonna implement a quick tool available into RaspberryPi with Java Device IO API. i2cdetect is a simple i2c device scanner for your RaspberryPi, it browse all i2c address to find which i2c device is connected. This tutorial show how to recompile DeviceIO API and program too. i2cdetect with the Java Device I/O API implementation . Requisites One RaspberryPi tested w/ RPi B+ should works with all version an I2C Device Sense Hat for example Compile Device IO Download Device IO API and compile it....

March 9, 2016

Rhiot Kura Device IO GPIO and I2C

Recently, a colleague of mine calls me to implements a small demo. I decide to develop a new component for Rhiot project. This component is the DeviceIO I2C Camel, I reuse a previous work from Camel-pi4j I’ve already develop for Rhiot project too. We gonna see how to use this component into Kura Platform via Camel Framework. For this demo we need some hardware devices, a RaspberryPi and a ActiveMQ broker too....

February 29, 2016

Camel IoT Labs i2c gpio mqtt lcd

One month ago, Henryk, Claus and I’ve started Camel Labs project. This project provides some cool new stuff for IoT community based on Camel technology/project. The stuff are new IoT components to connect electronics devices (i2c,SPI,gpio, tinkerforge) and cloud (pubnub, cloudlet, mqtt) together. In this lab, we will show how to build an end to end IoT integration with i2c device, mqtt broker and i2c lcd with few line of code....

May 20, 2015