Camel XML XPath XSLT Aggregator

This month I went to Greece for a customer of mine. I worked at Athens on Camel integration with Mainframe legacy stuff. Customer would like to use XML message format during the full Camel route process. His wish was to reuse some Camel routes as new service components. Fortunately, Camel framework meets all of this requirements out of the box. We will this in this simple sample how to do it....

December 3, 2016

Camel is going into Eclipse Kura

Today, I am going to talk about a good news, it is a technical post but without any code/material or stuff like that (thx God). The Eclipse Kura Project has accepted GitHub Pull Request and now includes a new cool component to develop branch. This new component is Camel Framework from Apache Foundation. Henryk Konsek a colleague of mine is the principal guy behind this new. The Camel and Kura integration starts from the first Camel Kura component available since Camel version 2....

March 18, 2016

RHIoT RaspberryPi Sense-Hat display

Recently, I bought the new an official Sense-HAT from RaspberryPi foundation. This HAT add-on for the RaspberryPi device includes lots of cool thing. Sense-HAT comes with an 8x8 RGB565 pixel display, a Joystick, a Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Temperature, Barometric pressure and Humidity sensors. All sensors are i2c compliant, with the rhiot camel-pi4j component it is very easy to retrieve all data from sensors and push them outside. Rhiot team had also developed the first implementation of rhiot camel-framebuffer component, now it is possible to push image directly to 8x8 pixel screen : NB the matrix is 8x8 RGB565 LED (2 bytes per pixels)....

November 24, 2015

RHIoT Webcam and websocket components on MacbookPro in Groovy

Yesterday, we’ve played with our MacBook Pro’s webcam. Today, we gonna see how to send images through a websocket directly in this page !!! or via a JavaFx program. We gonna re-use the previous post and integrate camel Websocket component. Let’s play with Groovy language … Webcam image to Websocket w/ Rhiot & Camel projects on MacbookPro Let’s start to broadcast yourself. Requisites Have a mac tested MacBook Pro Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014 Groovy Mac port installed Groovy Version: 2....

October 23, 2015

RHIoT 0.1.2 Webcam component on MacOS X in Groovy

My tech leader on RHIoT project (ex-camellabs) Henryk had just release the last version of RHIoT project : 0.1.2. Lot of new stuffs are included in this new release, more details available here. I found in list a cool stuff to test. We gonna check if our new commiter @levackt from ZA worked well ;-) Webcam camel component on Mac OSX with Groovy language Let’s start to broadcast yourself. Requisites Have a mac tested MacBook Pro Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014 Groovy Mac port installed Groovy Version: 2....

October 22, 2015

Camel IoT Labs i2c gpio mqtt lcd

One month ago, Henryk, Claus and I’ve started Camel Labs project. This project provides some cool new stuff for IoT community based on Camel technology/project. The stuff are new IoT components to connect electronics devices (i2c,SPI,gpio, tinkerforge) and cloud (pubnub, cloudlet, mqtt) together. In this lab, we will show how to build an end to end IoT integration with i2c device, mqtt broker and i2c lcd with few line of code....

May 20, 2015

Les premiers jours du projet Camel IoT Labs

Aujourd’hui, l’internet des objets ou aussi appelé IoT prend de plus en plus de place dans l’industrie informatique et non informatique. Des montres Withings, aux Raspberry Pi vendus à 5M d’unités, en passant par les plaques Arduino low cost et autres modules Tessel, le cout de production des objets électroniques baissant, a permis une large diffusion de ces nouveaux objets. En 2012, les premiers RaspberryPi sont lancés sur le marché, j’en ai acheté un....

April 25, 2015

Apache Camel RaspberryPi PoC

Raspberry Pi is a small computer. It costs just 35$. Five million have been already sold worldwide. The first goal of this project was to provide a low-cost computer for electronic and computer science education. But lots of e-hobbists like me use it for personal use (domotic for example). Camel is an Enterprise Integration Patterns (a.k.a EIP) framework to connect, process and dispatch messages from and to severals technologies. Apache Camel and Raspberry Pi integration (proof of concept)...

April 3, 2015