Camel IoT Labs i2c gpio mqtt lcd

One month ago, Henryk, Claus and I’ve started Camel Labs project. This project provides some cool new stuff for IoT community based on Camel technology/project. The stuff are new IoT components to connect electronics devices (i2c,SPI,gpio, tinkerforge) and cloud (pubnub, cloudlet, mqtt) together. In this lab, we will show how to build an end to end IoT integration with i2c device, mqtt broker and i2c lcd with few line of code....

May 20, 2015

Apache Camel RaspberryPi PoC

Raspberry Pi is a small computer. It costs just 35$. Five million have been already sold worldwide. The first goal of this project was to provide a low-cost computer for electronic and computer science education. But lots of e-hobbists like me use it for personal use (domotic for example). Camel is an Enterprise Integration Patterns (a.k.a EIP) framework to connect, process and dispatch messages from and to severals technologies. Apache Camel and Raspberry Pi integration (proof of concept)...

April 3, 2015