AWS SSM, Ansible et Raspberry Pi via SSH

Dans ce nouveau et premier post de 2024, découvrez comment AWS Systems Manager (SSM) s’intègre de manière utile avec le Raspberry Pi (testé avec 3, zero et 5). Explorez les possibilités de cette combinaison, idéale pour les projets d’informatique personnelle décentralisée. Que vous soyez un passionné du Cloud, un amateur d’IoT ou simplement curieux, cet article vous réserve des surprises ! Ce post sera particulièrement utile pour ceux qui cherchent à accéder facilement à leur Raspberry Pi sans avoir à configurer le port forwarding sur leur box Internet, et ce, pour un coût minime [^pricing]....

January 15, 2024

Setup a Hotspot Wifi with Ansible into a RaspberryPi 3

This September, RaspberryPi foundation has sold ten (10) Millions of unit. This small computer is amazing, you can setup very quickly several cool IoT projects. Since 2012, I bought all versions (B 256Mo, B 512Mo, B+, 2B, 3B) of RaspberryPi. I am a big fan of this product and you can find into this blog some projects I’ve made on top of this little computer. RaspberryPi version 3 comes with a wifi builtin interface, and this wifi interface can be configured as a Wifi Hotspot....

September 27, 2016

Device IO and i2cdetect implementation

Today, we gonna implement a quick tool available into RaspberryPi with Java Device IO API. i2cdetect is a simple i2c device scanner for your RaspberryPi, it browse all i2c address to find which i2c device is connected. This tutorial show how to recompile DeviceIO API and program too. i2cdetect with the Java Device I/O API implementation . Requisites One RaspberryPi tested w/ RPi B+ should works with all version an I2C Device Sense Hat for example Compile Device IO Download Device IO API and compile it....

March 9, 2016

Rhiot Kura Device IO GPIO and I2C

Recently, a colleague of mine calls me to implements a small demo. I decide to develop a new component for Rhiot project. This component is the DeviceIO I2C Camel, I reuse a previous work from Camel-pi4j I’ve already develop for Rhiot project too. We gonna see how to use this component into Kura Platform via Camel Framework. For this demo we need some hardware devices, a RaspberryPi and a ActiveMQ broker too....

February 29, 2016

Rhiot over Kura over Docker over RaspberryPi ;-)

During this cool Christmas day, Santa Claus brings us lot of presents (I hope for you), I received 2 RaspberryPi Zero, Thx you brother ;-). I will show you a cool stuff after this special day. We gonna test how to use Rhiot project into Kura Eclipse Platform running inside Docker container deployed into a real RaspberryPi Zero device (in this order). If you don’t have yet a RaspberryPi (B+, 2 or zero) device you can use my previous post....

December 28, 2015

Rhiot Kura Gateway Sample (Emulator & RaspberryPi)

For a while, I develop during my free time for Rhiot project with my Red Hat colleague Henryk. We started to develop several Camel components like (kura, pi4j, bluetooth) with others volunteers. Now we focus to develop and integrate those components for Kura Platform. Kura is an OSGi Platform designed for IoT, it can run on RaspberryPi, BeagleBone or Intel Edison device. Kura Platform has got lot of embedded services for IoT context (GPIO, USB, I2C, Cloud Service, etc…) In this post we will see :...

December 3, 2015

RHIoT RaspberryPi Sense-Hat display

Recently, I bought the new an official Sense-HAT from RaspberryPi foundation. This HAT add-on for the RaspberryPi device includes lots of cool thing. Sense-HAT comes with an 8x8 RGB565 pixel display, a Joystick, a Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Temperature, Barometric pressure and Humidity sensors. All sensors are i2c compliant, with the rhiot camel-pi4j component it is very easy to retrieve all data from sensors and push them outside. Rhiot team had also developed the first implementation of rhiot camel-framebuffer component, now it is possible to push image directly to 8x8 pixel screen : NB the matrix is 8x8 RGB565 LED (2 bytes per pixels)....

November 24, 2015

Les premiers jours du projet Camel IoT Labs

Aujourd’hui, l’internet des objets ou aussi appelé IoT prend de plus en plus de place dans l’industrie informatique et non informatique. Des montres Withings, aux Raspberry Pi vendus à 5M d’unités, en passant par les plaques Arduino low cost et autres modules Tessel, le cout de production des objets électroniques baissant, a permis une large diffusion de ces nouveaux objets. En 2012, les premiers RaspberryPi sont lancés sur le marché, j’en ai acheté un....

April 25, 2015