RHIoT RaspberryPi Sense-Hat display

Recently, I bought the new an official Sense-HAT from RaspberryPi foundation. This HAT add-on for the RaspberryPi device includes lots of cool thing. Sense-HAT comes with an 8x8 RGB565 pixel display, a Joystick, a Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, Temperature, Barometric pressure and Humidity sensors. All sensors are i2c compliant, with the rhiot camel-pi4j component it is very easy to retrieve all data from sensors and push them outside. Rhiot team had also developed the first implementation of rhiot camel-framebuffer component, now it is possible to push image directly to 8x8 pixel screen : NB the matrix is 8x8 RGB565 LED (2 bytes per pixels)....

November 24, 2015